Thursday, June 5, 2014

So the weather is changing, and that is always a good thing this time of year.  I am finding that my legs are pretty upset with the spike in mileage I had for the Cape Cod Ragnar, as well as how hard I ran.  Well, we live and learn right?  Perhaps I never learn, haha!  I have started to get prepped for my training plan to start and hope to be in the upper 20's for weekly mileage by then.  Day 1 starts on June 30th!  It is going to be an 18 week program which sounds pretty intimidating right now.  If anything, I will enjoy being back on a planned out running program.  I do plan to do a bunch of races still.  I mean how can you pass so many living in such an awesome running community like the Boston area.  MN was pretty great, but their are races here like every damn day...sometimes every minute...ooops, just missed one!

Not a whole lot else going on.  I am just trying to get into a solid routine of running, blogging, and fund raising.  I have had seven people donate so far, with some pretty big supporters out of that.  I am confident that more will help out eventually.  It is pretty early on at this point.  So, for now this guy is signing off and hoping this rain lets up.  My runner's page group has a 100 mile June challenge going and I need to get today's run in.

See you out there!