Wow, been a while since my last post. The week right after said last post, I got really sick with a nasty cold/flu and even missed 2 days of work. I don't miss work unless it's for running, traveling, or some fun. I guess that goes without saying, haha! With the middle of the week shot I was able to still get in 18 that Saturday. The first week of October I also knocked out my first 20 miler of this program. With all the Ragnars, traveling, and being sick I was getting worried about getting in some quality miles as Philly drew near. I was also worried about getting my overall weekly miles to where they need to be. I have been getting a little more speed work in as well so that has been comforting to add to my program finally. I guess Ragnar's are pretty much speed work but it's nice to do some 400's and tempo runs.
The 13th I had to travel to CA for work and, you better believe it, I brought my running gear with. Convenient for me, there was a heat wave moving through so I saw temps almost at 100. I did get to run an amazing 10 miler along the ocean and even went through Malibu, Santa Monica & Venes beaches too. It is such an amazing difference there compared to here. I'm not just talking about the weather either. The culture is quite a bit different as well. Now, granted, I was in the more ritzy area of CA but it was still an experience none the less. The weekend I got back I knocked out a 16 miler to bring my weekly total over 40 for the first time this program. That gave me some good momentum and confidence building towards 4 weeks til game time.
That brings us to today. 4 weeks from today is GO TIME! After today's run my weekly total hit 48.5 miles which is a new program high as well. I'm getting some good miles in consistently now and that just keeps my confidence building. This morning's run was 22 miles and I was not the most excited kid on the block for that. My neighbor, Joe, also needed to do a long run so we did it together. He is running a marathon in CA in Dec and for both of our training programs we have not been able to run together much. I have not been able to run with anybody that much which really can wear ya down, especially the long runs! I felt so good to get that 22 miles in and now behind me. Talk about building confidence. The closer and closer I get to race day, my confidence keeps building towards my assault on a sub 3 marathon. I believe I have it in me and am believing it more and more.
This next week the goal is to hit 50 miles when it's all said and done. The weekend is going to include the Monster Dash 10 miler on Saturday and a 7 miler on Sunday to get the miles in. I am pretty excited about the 10 miler as I get to just let it go. I really need to be careful, however, as I don't want to kill my legs 3 weeks out from Philly when I still have important workouts coming up after that race. The plan is to run no faster than a 6:20 overall. That will give me a new 10 mile PR by far but I have not run one since 2007 and was not training anywhere near where I am now. A PR should happen either way but I would be happy with a 6:20 pace leading into my 3 week taper towards Philly.
So, 4 weeks to go with some really hard training still coming up and a well needed taper after that. I should be setting myself up pretty well building towards Philly and my first sub 3 marathon!
See ya out there...